We need to recover the plaintext from the incorrectly generated RSA parameters, in this case, e = 16
and the modulo n
is a prime. As the public exponent and the totient of n
is not coprime, this implies
The first, and intended solution is to take advantage of the fact that e = 2 ^ 4
, hence we only need to calculate the square root of the plaintext in the finite field four times.
Kudos to Robin_Jadoul
on Cryptohack for this solution.
n = ...
e = 16
ct = ...
def go(e, x):
if e <= 1:
if b"crypto" in long_to_bytes(x):
return long_to_bytes(x)
return None
if x ^ ((n - 1) // 2) != 1:
r1 = x.square_root()
r2 = -r1
if res := go(e // 2, r1):
return res
return go(e // 2, r2)
print(go(e, GF(n)(ct)))
Another solution takes advantage of the fact that the modulo is a prime. With m
being the plaintext message, we can see it is a root of the polynomial X^e - ct
over Z/nZ[X]
. As n
is prime, calculating the square root multiple times when the modulus is a prime is quick. nth_root
is insanely slow in comparison, as the underlying method is not optimised for non coprime power.
Kudos to AZ
on Cryptohack for this solution.
n = ...
e = 16
ct = ...
Z.<X> = GF(n)[]
P = X^e - ct
for r, _ in P.roots():
h = hex(r)[2:]
if b'crypto'.hex() in h:
Lastly, the God solution. Don't know how it works, root of unity is that strong I guess. I think I will leave this to the future me to figure out! This works for composite n
, as seen in this writeup.
import Crypto.Util.number as cun
from pprint import pprint
def roots_of_unity(e, phi, n, rounds=250):
# Divide common factors of `phi` and `e` until they're coprime.
phi_coprime = phi
while gcd(phi_coprime, e) != 1:
phi_coprime //= gcd(phi_coprime, e)
# Don't know how many roots of unity there are, so just try and collect a bunch
roots = set(pow(i, phi_coprime, n) for i in range(1, rounds))
assert all(pow(root, e, n) == 1 for root in roots)
return roots, phi_coprime
n = ...
e = 16
ct = ...
# n is prime
# Problem: e and phi are not coprime - d does not exist
phi = n - 1
# Find e'th roots of unity modulo n
roots, phi_coprime = roots_of_unity(e, phi, n)
# Use our `phi_coprime` to get one possible plaintext
d = inverse_mod(e, phi_coprime)
pt = pow(ct, d, n)
assert pow(pt, e, n) == ct
# Use the roots of unity to get all other possible plaintexts
pts = [(pt * root) % n for root in roots]
pts = [cun.long_to_bytes(pt) for pt in pts]
This runs very quick. The following is the way that the algorithm works.
As we cannot find a unique m
, we can instead find x
method in the Python script.
Denote phi_coprime
Indeed, if the elements phi_coprime
, or
The set of the solutions indeed satisfy the assert
line because
d = inverse_mod(e, phi_coprime)
, or
Denote the original plaintext as ct
as pt = pow(ct, d, n)
as M.
For the assert
line, we have: