There is a bug in the implementation, specifically
def recover_x(self, xbit, y):
xsqr = (y**2 - 1)*inverse(1 + self.d*y**2, self.p) % self.p
x = pow(xsqr, (self.p + 1)//4, self.p)
if x**2 == xsqr :
return 0
the function recover_x
will always return 0, as the check is not done on modulo
therefore, we only need to solve the discrete logarithm over
Sage Implementation:
xfrom Crypto.Util.number import inverse, long_to_bytes
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto.Util.Padding import pad, unpad
from random import randint
from hashlib import sha1
import os
FLAG = b'crypto{????????????????????????????????????}'
class TwistedEdwards():
# Elliptic curve in Edwards form:
# -x**2 + y**2 = 1 + d*x**2*y**2
# birationally equivalent to the Montgomery curve:
# y**2 = x**3 + 2*(1-d)/(1+d)*x**2 + x
def __init__(self, p, d, order, x0bit, y0):
self.p = p
self.d = d
self.order = order
self.base_point = (x0bit, y0)
def recover_x(self, xbit, y):
xsqr = (y**2 - 1)*inverse(1 + self.d*y**2, self.p) % self.p
x = pow(xsqr, (self.p + 1)//4, self.p)
if x**2 == xsqr :
if x & 1 != xbit:
return p - x
return x
return 0
def decompress(self, compressed_point):
xbit, y = compressed_point
x = self.recover_x(xbit, y)
return (x, y)
# complete point addition formulas
def add(self, P1, P2):
x1, y1 = P1
x2, y2 = P2
C = x1*x2 % self.p
D = y1*y2 % self.p
E = self.d*C*D
x3 = (1 - E)*((x1 + y1)*(x2 + y2) - C - D) % self.p
y3 = (1 + E)*(D + C) % self.p
z3 = 1 - E**2 % self.p
z3inv = inverse(z3, self.p)
return (x3*z3inv % self.p, y3*z3inv % self.p)
# left-to-right double-and-add
def single_mul(self, n, compressed_point):
P = self.decompress(compressed_point)
t = n.bit_length()
if n == 0:
return (0,1)
R = P
for i in range(t-2,-1,-1):
bit = (n >> i) & 1
R = self.add(R, R)
if bit == 1:
R = self.add(R, P)
return (R[0] & 1, R[1])
def gen_key_pair(curve):
n = randint(1, curve.order-1)
P = curve.single_mul(n, curve.base_point)
return n, P
def gen_shared_secret(curve, n, P):
xbit, y = curve.single_mul(n, P)
return y
def encrypt_flag(shared_secret: int):
# Derive AES key from shared secret
key = sha1(str(shared_secret).encode('ascii')).digest()[:16]
# Encrypt flag
iv = os.urandom(16)
cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
ciphertext = cipher.encrypt(pad(FLAG, 16))
# Prepare data to send
data = {}
data['iv'] = iv.hex()
data['encrypted_flag'] = ciphertext.hex()
return data
# curve parameters
# birationally equivalent to the Montgomery curve y**2 = x**3 + 337*x**2 + x mod p
p = 110791754886372871786646216601736686131457908663834453133932404548926481065303
order = 27697938721593217946661554150434171532902064063497989437820057596877054011573
d = 14053231445764110580607042223819107680391416143200240368020924470807783733946
x0bit = 1
y0 = 11
curve = TwistedEdwards(p, d, order, x0bit, y0)
# Underlying finite field
F = GF(p)
# "Decompress", or changing the point to (0, y) form
y = curve.decompress((x0bit, y0))[1] # extract y
y = F(int(y))
yA = F(109790246752332785586117900442206937983841168568097606235725839233151034058387)
# Calculating the secret and decrypting the flag value
n_a = discrete_log(yA, y)
P_bob = (0, 45290526009220141417047094490842138744068991614521518736097631206718264930032)
shared_secret = gen_shared_secret(curve, n_a, P_bob)
key = sha1(str(shared_secret).encode('ascii')).digest()[:16]
iv = bytes.fromhex('31068e75b880bece9686243fa4dc67d0')
ct = bytes.fromhex('e2ef82f2cde7d44e9f9810b34acc885891dad8118c1d9a07801639be0629b186dc8a192529703b2c947c20c4fe5ff2c8')
cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
flag = unpad(cipher.decrypt(ct), 16)