I did not know the way to solve the challenge after some naive idea of using Pohlig-Hellman on the smooth prime given. Nonetheless, it was a good try as after peeking at the solution, there is no shot that I can solve this without knowing some group theory of have acute observation of the number patterns.
The first way to solve this, and one can look up in this paper, about Genus 0 Curves
. We are basically given a conic, or a hyperbola whose equation looks like:
over a prime finite field. Using some math on group theory (can read from the paper or read the excellent writeup from aloof
), there exists a group isomorphism between the hyperbola
This only works (the mapping is well defined) if
and the remaining task is to calculate the discrete log of n_a
. We have this relation:
Sage Implementation:
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto.Util.Padding import unpad
from hashlib import sha1
from collections import namedtuple
Point = namedtuple("Point", "x y")
# reused code from the challenge
def point_addition(P, Q):
Rx = (P.x*Q.x + D*P.y*Q.y) % p
Ry = (P.x*Q.y + P.y*Q.x) % p
return Point(Rx, Ry)
def scalar_multiplication(P, n):
Q = Point(1, 0)
while n > 0:
if n % 2 == 1:
Q = point_addition(Q, P)
P = point_addition(P, P)
n = n//2
return Q
def gen_shared_secret(P, d):
return scalar_multiplication(P, d).x
# parameters and public data
p = 173754216895752892448109692432341061254596347285717132408796456167143559
D = 529
Dsqrt = 23 # 23^2 = 529
G = Point(29394812077144852405795385333766317269085018265469771684226884125940148,
A = Point(155781055760279718382374741001148850818103179141959728567110540865590463,
B = Point(171226959585314864221294077932510094779925634276949970785138593200069419,
# transfering the discrete log and solving it
# (note: p-1 is smooth so it's very fast to compute)
g = G.x - Dsqrt*G.y
h = A.x - Dsqrt*A.y
n_a = discrete_log(GF(p)(h), GF(p)(g))
# finally, we extract the flag
shared_secret = gen_shared_secret(B, n_a)
key = sha1(str(shared_secret).encode('ascii')).digest()[:16]
iv = bytes.fromhex('64bc75c8b38017e1397c46f85d4e332b')
encrypted_flag = bytes.fromhex('13e4d200708b786d8f7c3bd2dc5de0201f0d7879192e6603d7c5d6b963e1df2943e3ff75f7fda9c30a92171bbbc5acbf')
cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
flag = unpad(cipher.decrypt(encrypted_flag), 16).decode()
print(f'FLAG: {flag}')
The second solution, which requires INSANE fuzzing to find some patterns, is to use the symbolic math functionality of Sage to hunt for some patterns. I did do this, but was not serious in my approach enough (and also I put D
as a number - keep in mind not to do this next time). Kudos to Nightshade999
on Cryptohack for this creative solution.
Again, we can represent the coordinates of scalar multiplication between
p = 173754216895752892448109692432341061254596347285717132408796456167143559
x = GF(p)['D,x,y'].gens()
Px = x[1]
Py = x[2]
Qx = x[1]
Qy = x[2]
for j in range(1,11):
for i in range(1, j):
Rx = (Px * Qx + x[0] * Py * Qy)
Ry = (Px * Qy + Py * Qx)
Qx = Rx
Qy = Ry
print("x", j, ":", Qx)
print("y", j, ":", Qy)
What the output look like is something very similar to some binomial expansion. We thus can try writing the polynomial in the binomial expansion form. We can notice that x
is fairly well-behaved, it is just y
that is causing us some issues.
The form that is returned back for 23
on y
. We eventually arrive at the general formula for this problem, for
What is left is just calculating discrete log on
Sage Implementation (kudos to soon_haari
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto.Util.Padding import pad, unpad
from Crypto.Util.number import *
from hashlib import sha1
import random
from collections import namedtuple
Point = namedtuple("Point", "x y")
def point_addition(P, Q):
Rx = (P.x*Q.x + D*P.y*Q.y) % p
Ry = (P.x*Q.y + P.y*Q.x) % p
return Point(Rx, Ry)
def scalar_multiplication(P, n):
Q = Point(1, 0)
while n > 0:
if n % 2 == 1:
Q = point_addition(Q, P)
P = point_addition(P, P)
n = n//2
return Q
def gen_keypair():
private = random.randint(1, p-1)
public = scalar_multiplication(G, private)
return (public, private)
def gen_shared_secret(P, d):
return scalar_multiplication(P, d).x
def decrypt_flag(shared_secret: int, iv: bytes, ct: bytes):
key = sha1(str(shared_secret).encode('ascii')).digest()[:16]
cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
return unpad(cipher.decrypt(ct), 16)
p = 173754216895752892448109692432341061254596347285717132408796456167143559
D = 529
G = Point(29394812077144852405795385333766317269085018265469771684226884125940148, 94108086667844986046802106544375316173742538919949485639896613738390948)
A = Point(155781055760279718382374741001148850818103179141959728567110540865590463, 73794785561346677848810778233901832813072697504335306937799336126503714)
B = Point(171226959585314864221294077932510094779925634276949970785138593200069419, 54353971839516652938533335476115503436865545966356461292708042305317630)
data = {'iv': '64bc75c8b38017e1397c46f85d4e332b', 'encrypted_flag': '13e4d200708b786d8f7c3bd2dc5de0201f0d7879192e6603d7c5d6b963e1df2943e3ff75f7fda9c30a92171bbbc5acbf'}
sqrt_D = 23
F = IntegerModRing(p)
base = F(G.x + sqrt_D * G.y)
num = F(A.x + sqrt_D * A.y)
n = num.log(base)
assert scalar_multiplication(G, n) == A
shared_secret = gen_shared_secret(B, n)
print(decrypt_flag(shared_secret, bytes.fromhex(data["iv"]), bytes.fromhex(data["encrypted_flag"])))