RSA, except we are given a huge public exponent e
that has the same number of bits as the modulus N
. We can attack this using Wiener's Attack. The condition for Wiener's attack is
We can refer to the way that the attack works in the Cryptohack Book.
Sage Implementation:
from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes
def wiener(e, n):
# Convert e/n into a continued fraction
cf = continued_fraction(e/n)
convergents = cf.convergents()
for kd in convergents:
k = kd.numerator()
d = kd.denominator()
# Check if k and d meet the requirements
if k == 0 or d%2 == 0 or e*d % k != 1:
phi = (e*d - 1)/k
# Create the polynomial
x = PolynomialRing(RationalField(), 'x').gen()
f = x^2 - (n-phi+1)*x + n
roots = f.roots()
# Check if polynomial as two roots
if len(roots) != 2:
# Check if roots of the polynomial are p and q
p,q = int(roots[0][0]), int(roots[1][0])
if p*q == n:
return d
return None
N = ...
e = ...
c = ...
d = wiener(e,N)