We will exploit the fact that the key is randomly generated, and the ciphertext, after the assertion, will not contain the same bytes as the flag. We can issue a lot of requests to the server to slowly eliminate the space of possible characters for the unknown portion of the flag (the ????
The guess space for each unknown position is the characters in the range of 33 to 127, the printable characters. We will slowly remove the characters in the guess space of each position until the guess spaces of all positions are of length 1. The script takes a while to run, as it is harder to eliminate characters once the guess space is small.
Python Implementation:
xfrom pwn import *
import json
import base64
io = remote('socket.cryptohack.org', 13370)
FLAG = "crypto{????????????}"
guesses = []
# Possible characters at all unknown positions of the flag
for _ in range(len(FLAG) - 8):
chars = [i for i in range(33, 127)]
# Check whether each position has only 1 possibility
def check_guess(guesses):
for chars in guesses:
if len(chars) != 1:
return False
return True
# Remove chars from the guesses array, as the ciphertext bytes cannot be
# in the flag bytes
def remove_chars(ciphertext, guesses):
unknown = ciphertext[7:len(FLAG) - 1]
for i in range(len(unknown)):
except Exception:
# Print out the length of each position guess space
# for ease of tracking what's going on
def status(guesses):
temp = []
for i in range(len(FLAG) - 8):
to_send = {'msg': 'request'}
while not check_guess(guesses):
response = io.recvline().decode()
# Discard error messages
if "error" not in response:
ciphertext = json.loads(response)['ciphertext']
ciphertext = base64.b64decode(ciphertext)
remove_chars(ciphertext, guesses)
# guesses = [[117], [110], [114], [52], [110], [100], [48], [109], [95], [48], [55], [112]]
flag = b''
for i in range(len(FLAG) - 8):
flag += bytes([guesses[i][0]])
print(b'crypto{' + flag + b'}')