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RSA Backdoor Viability

RSA Backdoor Viability

I hate recursion depths. Sage on Windows sucks at configuring anything related to this.

The challenge gives a peculiar way of generating primes

And given the name of the challenge, we are pretty sure that this leads to a vulnerability. Indeed, the name of the challenge leads to a paper regarding the 4p1 method and the related RSA backdoor viability.

The Github repo containing the code. The paper is at this link. The Github repo should contain the script for factorising primes in the form of 4p - 1, and D = 427 as seen in the Python code above.

Modified Sage script, kudos to ConnorM:

A good rule of thumb for the challenges with the weird prime generation - FactorDB always work, and probably will save your sanity in fixing the recursion depths of Python in Sage.