This is about a particular weakness of the Shamir's secret sharing scheme. During the share reassembly process, Shamir's secret sharing does not provide a way to verify the correctness of each share being used. Verifiable secret sharing aims to verify that shareholders are honest and not submitting fake shares.
The basis of Shamir's secret sharing is on Lagrange basis polynomials. My solution is based on the computationally efficient approach of the scheme.
The key to cracking this challenge, is realizing that the Lagrange interpolation is a sum of values
For the reassembled value to be the 1k wallet of hyperreality
We know all the
Python Implementation:
xfrom pwn import *
import json
io = remote('', 13384)
hyper_share = json.loads(io.recvline().decode())['y']
for i in range(4):
# Send 0 so it is easier to work with, any number for y works
to_send = {'sender': 'hyper', 'msg': 'lmao', 'x': 6, 'y': hex(0)}
# The private key returned when the wallet address is invalid
priv_key_fail = json.loads(io.recvline().decode())['privkey']
priv_key_fail = int(priv_key_fail, 16)
# Prime in use, 13th Mersenne prime
prime = 2 ** 521 - 1
# x coordinates of hyper's friends
friends_x = [2, 3, 4, 5]
hyper_x = 6
# The 1k wallet address
hyper_1k_wallet = int("8b09cfc4696b91a1cc43372ac66ca36556a41499b495f28cc7ab193e32eadd30", 16)
# Calculate the x value related to our y value submitted,
# the product of the fraction used in Lagrange's polynomial
# See
# Or in other words, the product of all x_m / x_m - x_j
x_value = 1
for x in friends_x:
fraction = x * pow((x - hyper_x), -1, prime)
x_value = (x_value * fraction) % prime
# We have priv_key_fail + y * x_value = hyper_1k_wallet
# therefore y = (hyper_1k_wallet - priv_key_fail) / x_value
y = (hyper_1k_wallet - priv_key_fail) % prime
y = (y * pow(x_value, -1, prime)) % prime
to_send = {'sender': 'hyper', 'msg': 'lmao', 'x': 6, 'y': hex(y)}
# Real private key
real_priv_key = (priv_key_fail + int(hyper_share, 16) * x_value) % prime
to_send = {'privkey': hex(real_priv_key)}