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Try my luck with factorizing N using FactorDB. It works for special challenge like this where the N is something kinda special, or we just get lucky that FactorDB has done the factorising work for us ;)

The intended solution relies on the observation about RSA Fixed Point, or messages m, for some given e,n yields:


or, in other words, the polynomial:


has a solution of x=m. We are given the RSA fixed point in the problem, and e = 65537. Factoring the polynomial of x65537x should be trivial. As none of the factors of the polynomial is divisible by n, they must provide a factor of n when we find the GCD with n. Kudos to epistemologist on Cryptohack for the following solution:

This challenge is seemingly based on Shor's algorithm, the following solution from SC4R is left for the future me to digest what's going on. Too lazy to understand at the time of writing.