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Hacktheon Sejong CTF 2023

I participated in Hacktheon Sejong CTF 2023 under the c'est la vie team. The CTF this year is very guessy and do not involve high level techniques. Hence, I pretty much got carried (helped the team a bit though). The solution to the only Crypto challenge I attempted is solution with a lot of guesswork.

There is another Crypto challenge, but it is in Hangul - the writing system of the Korean language, which obviously I have no idea of. The admins gave out clues on using OCR, but I don't even recognize the text to begin with to check whether the text after OCR is legible or not.

Our team managed to clinch Top 46, which is enough to be qualified for the next round. Writeups for the other challenges we did (also nothing really special) is in this link

Encrypted JPG fileCrypto

For the next round there is only one crypto challenge, which most teams solve.

Invalid RSACrypto